Spiritual Body


Understanding Spiritual Body 

Our spiritual body is our connection to something bigger. Whether you choose to call it the Universe / God / Source / Higher Self / Love / Life etc. really doesn’t matter and would be missing the point! It is our ability to receive guidance and to surrender to something bigger than ourselves. A lot of people do not understand this and might not even acknowledge it. This aspect is not really about religion or cultural beliefs, rather about our oneness, the fact that we are all connected. This is our true essence.

Our spiritual body contains energy that it transmits to our mental body. When we are in touch with our spirituality, when our spiritual self is balanced, we tend to be calm, to not give into our fears, we feel the presence of love everywhere and trust in our higher power. We can manifest everything we need in life effortlessly.

The spiritual self is never really hurt or wounded, it is not out of balance, rather it is us that are out of alignment with it, and by being disconnected to our spirituality, we often create mental blocks(that keep the energy from flowing from the spirit to the mind).

Here’s what we can do to reconnect to our essence, to the power of the Universe:

  • Practice meditation daily;

  • Pray ;

  • Practice gratitude;

  • Humble the mind to the breath;

  • Know that everything that comes our way is meant to be, is a lesson for us to learn.