Mental Body


Understand Mental Body

Our mental self is formed of thoughts as well as beliefs, desires, values, goals and opinions. It is how we process information, how we learn and focus.

This mental body is formed of two parts : our little or ego based mind and our divine mind. The egoic mind is meant to be a tool that we can use in our favor to create our own beautiful reality (setting intentions, goals, planning,..) . We are meant to turn it on only when we need it and then back off to live from a place of presence in the divine mind. However, this concept has been lost and we now mostly operate from our ego based mind, which is always on and has become an incessant chatter, exhausting and loud.

When our mental self is clear and stable, when we are at peace in a state of Being, and in alignment with our divine mind, the mental body can receive the energy from the spiritual body and use it to the fullest, before it creates any form of thought.

However when we only operate from our egoic mind, letting our thoughts rule our lives, over planning, over thinking, staying stuck in past memories or in our own opinions, then we are creating mental blocks.

What we can do to heal our mental body and clear mental blocks :

  • Meditate

  • Repeat affirmations;

  • Read, listen to inspirational book or speech and podcasts.

  • continue learning and expanding our mind