Emotional Body


Understand Emotional Body

The emotional body is the sum of all our emotional experiences. It is our nervous system, hormones, touch, water absorption and release.

It is where we hold our hurtful experiences and the attached emotions and feelings like anger, sadness, jealousy, fear, guilt, resentment, shame etc.. These are stored like memories in the subconscious and unconscious mind and can become emotional blocks.

Our deep wounds will typically be located at this level, in our emotional body. If we aren’t aware of these emotional wounds and have not yet healed them, the negative energies they emit will influence our lives and drag us down, making us prisoners of our emotions.

Since energy flows from the mental to the emotional body, it can be blocked by emotional wounds from the past, creating anxiety, stress, more anger and all this can also impact our physical body.

Sometimes, when we react in a way we are not used to, that doesn’t seem like us, the reactions are due to these emotional blocks that lie within us. We are often brought to situations and people that will trigger something inside us, and open up those wounds again. This can be very painful, but it is our chance to face these wounds and to heal them.

The emotional body also stores positive feelings like abundance, love, freedom, joy etc. When we heal our emotional wounds we are then free to enter a state of joy and love.

What helps to heal our emotional body:

  • Journaling: write about past experiences, childhood, and the feelings that come up on present moment

  • Practice forgiving ourselves and others

  • Practice gratitude

  • Deepen our connection to others, seek to love rather than being loved, listen rather than seeking to be heard. Our presence and attention are the most precious gifts we can give to others.